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What is a Sound Sword?


Sound Sword is the name we have given to these giant tuning forks, as their look, feel, performance, volume, and size required a title more fitting than just a tuning fork. While similar in form to their smaller counterparts, these giant tuning forks provide much more powerful and sustained vibrations lasting up to 5 minutes per activation. This added sustain makes it ideal for use as an instrument, but also for use on the body.


Made in the USA, our Sound Swords bridge the worlds of form and function – providing you with precision-crafted frequency tools for your personal practices, while being a beautiful artistic addition to your home and life-style.


Where to Begin:


It is best to begin with the frequency that resonates the most with you. There are many philosophies behind the use and application of tuning forks as wellness tools, but before getting too far into those realms, it is important to first LISTEN to your intuition. Click the link below to hear the 7 major notes we offer and continue reading to see our available frequencies.






Sound Swords are tuned based on the major notes of the 432hz Pythagorean tuning systems. We find that the mathematics and numerology within Pythagorean mathematical philosophy lend themselves best to the applications of our instruments. Numerological harmonics of these frequencies appear in various spiritual traditions around the world, as well as within 2D and 3D geometric platonic structures. We also offer a 528hz Solfeggio tuning by popular demand.

The 7 major notes A, B, C, D, E, F, and G also have correspondences to the energetic systems of the body known as Chakras. Various traditions have paired the major 7 notes with the chakra system, and we have done so as well. These pairings become an ideal framework and guide for fitting them into your own personal meditative practices.


  • 256hz - Root Chakra (Muladhara): Groundedness and security, connection to the physical world, at the base of the spine; survival instincts.


  • D288hz - Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana): Emotions, creative and sexual energies, in the lower abdomen; sensuality, emotional balance.


  • E324hz - Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Personal power, confidence, force of will, breath, located in the upper abdomen; decision-making.


  • F342hz - Heart Chakra (Anahata): Love, compassion, relationships with self, other, and universe, at the center of the chest; harmonious relationships.


  • G384hz - Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Communication, self-expression, voice in creating our reality, located in the throat; speaking truth.


  • A216hz & A432hz - Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Intuition, wisdom, sight into the energetic realms, located in the center of the forehead; inner knowledge.


  • B243hz & B487hz - Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Upper connection to source energy, entry point at the top of the head; higher consciousness.


  • Solfeggio 528hz: Often called the "Love Frequency" or "Miracle Tone." It is believed to promote positive transformations, enhance clarity and focus, and foster a sense of peace and well-being.


  • Custom Tunings: Custom tunings are available upon request, please inquire for more information.



Each Sound Sword comes with a custom leather carrying case and striking mallet.


Sound Swords™

  • All sales are final.

  • 1-2 Weeks

    © 2023  ○   Earth Tuned   ○   Created with Love

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